Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Camryn Grace Dysart is here!

Camryn Grace Dysart
This is my favorite!
Right after delivery: Jeanette, Dr. Mohr, Camryn, Me and Brett

Tuesday Brett and I went to the hospital for my induction. Started pitocin at 7:30, they broke my water at 8:30, epidural 10:45 and her arrival at 4:25 pm! Things went really smoothly, thank the Lord!, and pretty quick! Once I got to 4 cm it was only 2 1/2 hrs later and she was here! Thankfully I only had to push for 4 contractions (while I puked my brains out!). I don't know how people push for hours on end!! My labor progressed so rapidly at the end that none of my family was even at the hospital--my mom was not too happy about that! Of course the only time Brett left the room was 5 mins before Jeanette (my nurse) checked me and lil miss was practically crowning! Dr. Mohr delivered her and was fabulous! Brett and I both had a great experience. Brett was super supportive and did a great job! It was a great experience for him to see my work environment at Rex and he was so interested in everything with Camryn's delivery. Even crazier is after delivery we found out that she had a true knot in her umbilical cord. Those happen when the baby is so active that they flip around and tie a knot, usually during the first trimester. This is something else that inhibits blood flow to the baby. This lil girl was truly meant to be here between my progesterone problems with this pregnancy, the 2 vessel cord and then a knot to top it off! She weighed a lot more than everyone thought, 7 lbs and was 21 inches long.
Since delivery Camryn has been a great baby so far! She loves to sleep and has only woken up once during the night to be fed, every other time I have to set an alarm to wake her up to eat! She's a great eater which has definantly helped. I also totally understand why people bottle feed, holy cow! Saturday we head to the pediatrician and get her bilirubin levels checked and her first dr's appt.

We want to thank you all for your love, support and prayers! We so appreciate and covet them! As new parents we need all the help we can get!! We'll keep you all posted!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

36+ weeks!

Feeling massive at this point! This past weekend we set up most of the house for Christmas, sooo fun! This is the first year Brett has been here to help--every other year he was working. He even did lights on the house! I am so excited for Christmas, it's my favorite holiday and even more so this year!!

Thanksgiving was pretty low key as both of our families ditched us and I had to work--plus I can't really go to the mountains or Michigan this pregnant! We had a nice dinner at our house Wednesday night with Mitch, Mark and Jeanie though and that made it feel like we at least had a holiday! Our last shower is this weekend and it's just weird to think that "she" could be here any day!

As far as the nursery goes, I just need to order the glider and finish the curtains with my mom. My 35 week dr's appt made me realize I gotta get things done! Planning on getting everything we need Tuesday after my next appointment.

Weight gain: about 20 lbs...not too bad if I do say so myself!

Stretch marks: still no new ones!!

Sleep: fair, waking up a lot at night Dr. Mohr says "You must be peeing a lot because of how low she is". Boy is she right!

Movement: she is being good and moving a lot still...very reassuring for her paranoid mother!!

Food Cravings: Orange Juice everyday! Had to have jello the other day--I never eat that stuff!

Labor Signs: Well, she's settled in my pelvis well...not really dilated. Contracting more frequently.

Belly Button: Still hasn't popped!

What I miss eating: BEER, sangria, etc.

What I am looking forward to: meeting her!!